But if you don’t want to deactivate and want to remove all friends… then the answer is that so far Facebook has not provided any quick way to accomplish this goal. There are third party scripts available out there but I do not recommend using any such scripts because these programs may compromise your account information. So, there is no one click solution to the problem. You will have to delete friends one by one manually. Unfortunately, Facebook is taking all the options away that allow easier deletion of multiple friends. At present the easiest way is that you click on “View Activity Log” button given on your cover photo. Now click on MORE option given in the sidebar. This will reveal Friends option. Click on Friends to see the list of all your friends. Against each of your friend, there would be a pencil icon. Click on it and you’ll get option to Unfriend. Click Unfriend and then confirm to remove friend from your list. Facebook keeps on changing its interface -so the older methods of doing something keep getting useless. The latest method is as below: Log into your Facebook Account and then go to your Timeline. Click on the Activity Log button positioned in the bottom-right corner of your cover image. On Activity Log page, you’ll find a sidebar on left-hand side. In this sidebar, under Photos, Likes, Comments, you’ll see MORE link. Click on this link and you’ll get more choices. Now click on Friends link. Upon clicking Friends link, you’ll all your activities related to making friends and unfriending them. Here you can unfriend any of your friend. But when you’ll do so, Facebook will pop up a box and ask you to confirm your acting. Good news is that we can get rid of this confirmation box and thereby we can rather easily delete lots of friends. Let’s see how. In your browser’s address bar, remove www part and type m instead. Be careful and don’t change anything else in the address. Now press enter to go to mobile version of the same page. On the mobile version, you’ll see an unfriend link under the name of each of your friends. Click unfriend link. In mobile version Facebook doesn’t ask for confirmation and therefore unfriending is just a one-click-affair. I hope this helps you! You may also be interested in reading my article on Simplifying your Facebook Life Following are older methods, they don’t work anymore. Go to your friend list. Take your cursor on the “Friend” button available next to the name of the friend you want to unfriend. A drop-down menu appears with “Unfriend” option given at the end. Click on the “Unfriend” option to delete that friend from your list. Facebook will show a box for confirmation. Click “Remove from Friends” button. Now comes the real trick. Facebook will show you a box saying that so and so friend has been deleted from your list. If you will click the OK button given on this box –the page will reload and will slow down your further “unfriending” process. So, you don’t click this OK button and straightway go to the next unfriend option! Simple –isn’t it?! You may also be interested in Simplifying your Facebook Life

Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 69Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 52Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 29Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 36Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 87Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 61Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 71Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 4Unfriend All or Multiple Facebook Friends Quick and Fast - 33