If you grew up in the 90s it’s likely that you remember folding these origami fortune tellers at school!  Follow this photo tutorial to refresh your memory or learn from scratch if this trend missed you! You will need one sheet of square paper, any paper will do, printer paper is perfect.

Beginning Folds

Start with your paper with its white side facing up (if you have one!).

Keep Folding

Finishing Folds

How to Decorate It for the Cootie Catcher Game

Now we need to prepare the fortune teller! Have your cootie catcher flattened and with the outer flaps facing up.

How to Play the Cootie Catcher Game

To take it a step further, if you have different answers on the upper and lower sections you can ask them ‘up or down?’ and read the answer from either the top or bottom section. There are many free Cootie Catcher templates online that you can download and print out to have even more fun with this classic game.