Similarly, LinkedIn groups also provide a medium for the people or professionals that are in the same industry or have similar interests to interact and share experiences and help each other.In this article, we will be looking at the ways on how to create a LinkedIn group.

How to Create a LinkedIn Group?

A LinkedIn Group has many benefits as you can join in on conversations and send message requests to other people in the same group and build valuable connections. Lucky for you we have made it easy steps so that you can easily create you very own LinkedIn Group. Follow the steps down below to create a LinkedIn Group :-

1. Open LinkedIn and click on the ‘Work‘ icon at the top right.

2. Click on ‘Groups‘ icon in the lower column.

3. Click on ‘Create Group‘ on the top-right.

4. Fill up all the details about your group.

You will see the following detail boxes:-

Group Name – Fill in the name of the group you are creating.Description – Write a brief description about your group so that users will have a better understanding about the group.Industry – You can add the industry your group is relevant to.Location – You can type in the location and select from the options given.Group Rules – Write the rules that group members will have to follow.Group Discoverability – You can select ‘Listed‘ for your group to appear in search results and in your LinkedIn profile. Or, you can select ‘Unlisted‘ if you do not want your group to appear in search results and only visible to group members.Permissions – Select ‘Allow members to invite their connections‘ if you want to let group members to invite other people to join. Select ‘Require new posts to be reviewed by admins‘ so that posts have to reviewed before they are displayed.

5. After filling up the details about your group, click on ‘Create‘.

Can You Make Multiple LinkedIn Groups?

There is a limit on LinkedIn which allows a person or a member to manage only 30 groups. A member can not manage more than the limit which is 30. So, you can make multiple LinkedIn Groups and manage them but you cannot exceed the limit of 30 groups.

How Many Members Can a LinkedIn Group have?

There is a limit to the number of members a LinkedIn Group can have. ‘2.5 million’ is the membership limit for a single group in LinkedIn. You can not have more than 2.5 million members in the LinkedIn group that you have created.

Can You Recover a LinkedIn Group After Deleting it?

Deleting a group is a permanent action in the LinkedIn application. Once a group is deleted it can not be recovered. The groups can not be opened again by any of the members of the said group. So No, you can not recover a LinkedIn Group after deleting it.

Wrap Up

LinkedIn Groups are a very reliable way of building connections with professionals with whom you share interests with. You can also learn a lot from the people in the LinkedIn Groups by messaging them and asking them in the form of messages. It is very simple to create a Linked Group as we have shown you in the article above. That is it for this article, if you have any queries or questions about this topic feel free to leave them down below. Your questions will be answered as soon as possible so do not hesitate and ask to your heart’s content.


How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 39How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 31How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 67How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 67How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 31How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 47How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 10How to Create a LinkedIn Group  Super Easy Ways - 76