Here are some funny epitaphs and creative tombstone names and some others for your consideration.

Funny, Yet Appropriate, Tombstone Names

Abbie NormalArt U. NextBarry DaLiveBen DismemberedBen DoverBerry D. HatchetDawn UnderDiane RottFester N. RottI. Emma GhostI. M. GoneIzzy GoneJustin PiecesKerry M. OffM. T. TombManny BonesOtta B. AliveR. U. NextReid N. WeepTed N. BuriedWil B. BackWilly RottYule B. Next

Funny Epitaphs

As you are now so once was I, as I am now you soon will be, prepare for death and follow me.Dare to disturb.Do not open until October 31st. (shovel propped next to it)Elvis, deal with it!Elvis, or is it?Here lies Larry Bass, missed the brake and hit the gas.Here lies Lester More. No les, no more.Here lies my wife, I bid her goodbye. She rests in peace, and now so do I.Here lies Ron D. Vous, he met with death.Here lies Slim. (tall, thin headstone)Here lies Tiny. (very small headstone)Hey! Get off me!I told you I was sick.I’ll be back.I’m with stupid.I was Fred, now I’m dead.Mary Aster, should have walked a little faster.Once I wasn’t, then I was, now I ain’t again.Reserved for you.Rest in pieces. (body parts scattered around)Your name here.